Welcome to
Tun Abdul Razak Library (PTAR)
UiTM Selangor Branch
Tun Abdul Razak Library (PTAR) UiTM Selangor Branch known as PTAR UCS has 7 campuses in total. At UiTM Puncak Alam Campus there are two libraries, PTAR Puncak Alam Campus and PTAR Kompleks Alam Bina & Seni Reka while the third library is PTAR Puncak Perdana Campus. At UiTM Sungai Buloh Campus, there are 3 libraries, namely the Sungai Buloh Campus Medical Library, Selayang Campus and Teluk Intan Campus. All three libraries under UiTM Sungai Buloh Campus provide services to two faculties, namely the faculty of medicine and dentistry. To support the four foundation programs at UiTM, the PTAR Foundation Center at UiTM Dengkil Campus was established.
Library Event
Taklimat PEngurusan Koleksi Kecemerlangan Perpustakaan UiTM
Mon, 10. March 2025, %14:%Mar - %15:%Mar -
Bengkel Tadbir Urus Data Perpustakaan UiTM: Pengukuhan Pengurusan Data dan Statistik Perpustakaan Ui...
Tue, 11. March 2025, %08:%Mar - Wed, 12. March 2025, %16:%Mar
Fact and Figure
(As at 31/12/2024)
Seating Capacity
Library Activities / Highlight
Contact Us
Contact Us:
Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak
UiTM Cawangan Selangor
Kampus Puncak Alam
42300 Bandar Puncak Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Email: amirshafie@uitm.edu.my
03 3258 4257
Officer: Amir Muhamad Shafie
Customer Services | 03 3258 4237
Consultation Services
03 3258 4006 | Nur Fatihah Muhamad (Puncak Alam)
03 3258 6006 | Norliza Othman (Kompleks Alam Bina dan Senireka)