About UiTM Libraries

Boosting the Reading Habit

Universiti Teknologi MARA chief librarian Noor Hidayat Adnan said digital and electronic medium and resources are the trend as they are interactive and save paper. “Technologies such as augmented reality offer an interactive experience of a real-world environment.”

In Malaysia, he added, those who are less information technology-literate still read printed materials.

Senior librarian Mohd Alfarabie Mohd Nasir at PerpustakaanTun Abdul Razak (PTAR), UiTM Shah Alam, said undergraduates read books for academic purposes.

“They read fiction when they are not busy with assignments and exams,” he added. “To enhance reading habits, there should be more book promotions on social media.”

Sumber: https://www.nst.com.my/education/2018/07/394232/boosting-reading-habit


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